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Hi Noor! I apologize, I thought I had provided feedback already :(

The color scheme is very bright and cheerful, the red and green tying in well with the Christmas theme and the blue to the Winter season. The buttons are laid out in a way that is easy to understand by the user and represented well with text and symbols that are used often to represent such interactions.

*Constructive Feedback*
There are some minor inconsistencies with text size in the Character menu and the button functionality is hard to use.

Can't wait to see your game in Assessment 3!

Thanks for your feedback!

(2 edits)

Feedback: You've selected a great colour pallet - very bright and cheery as users would expect for a Christmas-themed game. The simple and easy-to-use UI, requires a very low cognitive load on users, resulting in a greater UX. The GUI is easy to read with its big buttons and standard layout. 

Considerations:  The look and feel of the overall scene and the character. Consistent layout and spacing across scenes. The user feedback from buttons and the character's functionality. Good effort!

Thanks for the feedback Deserae:)